頭にリンゴをのせたエゾフクロウ 。ご結婚の際、フクロウ好きのお母様への贈り物に、と新郎新婦からのご依頼。たくさん集められているフクロウたちの仲間入りとなり光栄です。愛情のしるしのリンゴを手土産に、仲良くしてもらえたら。たくさんの福が集まりますように。
An Ural owl with an apple on its head. It was commissioned by the bride and groom as a gift for their mother who loves owls. We are honoured that this owl has joined her large collection of owls. We hope they will get along well with each other and take the apple as a sign of love. May a lot of good fortune gather.